Left Behind - I Don't Think So!
Luke 8:26-39 What a ridiculous tale of demons asking to be thrust into pigs? How can we possibly relate to this scripture in modern times? I am not as quick to doubt the existance of demons as I once was because of people whom I respect reporting interactions and exorcisms. However, I do remain skeptical. This is not something that I have any experience with in my world today. What in the world can I pick up and carry as the lesson learned from this scripture? I start by backing up and looking at where this lesson fits in the overall gospel of Luke. Luke had very definitive things to say about the authority and power of Jesus. At a quick glimpse, the hint of Legion as a name seems to imply that even the all-powerful Romans weren't enough to overcome Jesus. Perhaps a little tongue-in-check political commentary that they are pigs? But setting that aside, the most pressing issue for me here is the value of the individual. Jesus doesn't turn aside from this man who has bee...