Open Eyes for Blind Justice

Luke 16:19-31 Luke has grabbed us by the throats and refuses to let go with the texts from last week and this (last week was Luke 16:1-13) We are being called once again to justice. Rather than leaving it alone, we are being pushed a little more and a little harder to look honestly at ourselves and the role we play in life. How do we make money decisions and what are we controlled by in our daily lives? The rich man walks past Lazarus every day yet does nothing. Do we have to do works for salvation? My whole tradition says that it is by grace alone that I am saved. And yet, how can we claim that grace if we do not recognize and embrace our connectedness. What exactly are all of the structures for government and for non-profit aid we have set in place for if not justice? Let's begin with a definition of the word. According to the Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms, justice is the concept of each person receiveing what is due with a Biblical emphasis on right relations...