On the Way to Dinner

Palm Sunday is a wonderful/horrible day. How are we to preach this text when it is a very typical best of times and worst of times? We celebrate Jesus riding on a donkey and being welcomed by the crowds and then quickly turn to a gruesome betrayal. Weird as it may sound, this reminds me greatly of my experience this past weekend. I attended a junior high youth conference. How in the world you might ask does this relate to Palm Sunday? The youth are having a wonderful time and are also being pushed and challenged in their faith discussions during such a conference. They are enjoying themselves in a retreat setting and can leave the cares of the world behind. Often times, they are rejoicing and spending time with dear friends who they will not see regularly outside of such retreats. For many it is a mountaintop experienced that they wish to hang onto. Much like disciples who want to build tents on the mountaintop and reside there forever on the right and left hand of Jesus, the you...