Hope Abounds

Apologies to my non-Presbyterian friends, but here goes some unpacking from my last week. The past week was a super busy one in the life of my church and in the life of the PC (USA). Watching the progress in polity of General Assembly (GA) our governing body meeting in Detroit from a youth mission work site in New Orleans was unique and in surprising ways enriching. In both service out in the world and service within the church body, we struggle together to do the right thing. There are no guarantees, but the spirit is at work in our midst to help us muddle through. We pray, we serve, and we struggle together. Because we are pretty much guaranteed to not always make everyone happy, we compromise and work together. In my case this time with a hammer in one hand and a cell phone checking updates in the other. But the important thing is prayerful action. We serve together seeking to make the community and our neighbors feel the justice and benefit of Christ's b...