Namaste from 2020 to 2021

What a year 2020 has been. Know that amid all of the things we would like to forget, there is much to remember. A year that started off with jokes about perfect vision and seeing into the future blindsided us with crises beyond imagining, and God was there. Who knew we would become unwilling experts in technologies and online video meetings? Yet this seems so small compared to what those who are isolated in nursing homes, or who were already facing health challenges have endured. Amid the panic and pain we couldn’t foresee, God was there. And then, when things seemed intolerable, the Namaste broke through. God always, always finds a way to break into our lives reminding us of the joy of connectedness with one another and with God – a connectedness that can never be broken that isn’t dependent upon face-to face, physical presence. A presence that supersedes our limitations. This blessed namaste is us seeing God in and through each other – shining out at...