The Blessed Invisibles

This second Sunday of Advent , that yearly season of waiting, we look to first things. The Good News, the baby is coming. How do the gospels start the story of the good news – the blessed story of Jesus among us? Matthew begins with a genealogy and an angel convincing Joseph not to divorce Mary. Mark begins with John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of one to come and then Jesus’ baptism John – begins with - In the beginning was the Word and eventually gets to John foretelling one to come after whose sandals he is not worthy to tie. It’s no wonder so much of our beloved memories of The story come from Luke – we have heard that the elderly couple Zechariah and Elizabeth are expecting a baby and an angel has appeared to Mary. After being told not to be afraid by an angel, we join the story. Listen to the living word from Luke 1:39-55 (NIV) 39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home...