Dreary Morning

I drove to work this morning dragging myself through the fog. There is something about a foggy day that makes me want to stay in bed. And now, I am writing this instead of a sermon. Hmmm!
I love Spring and would much rather be out planting than in here on the computer. Thus lots of the 'shoulda's (shoulda worked on my sermon earlier, shoulda written that review, shoulda washed the kids' clothes, shoulda...) just don't seem to happen if they can be put off at all!
It seems that all of my spare time is spent with carpool - soccer, t-ball, ballet, swimming. Yikes! We're at that point were the seasons are overlapping, one wrapping up and another just beginning. I fear things are about to take off - life is a roller coaster. You just think you have control when you top the next hill. Hold on, here we GOOOOOO!