This has been a big week. I passed my preaching exam with Presbytery and was at an all-time high only to turn around on Tuesday and be out and out lambasted in e-mail by a member of the church who is disgruntled and unhappy with his shrinking volunteer role.
He was truly angry that the church is reducing (and sharing with others) what he views as his territory. I guess that losing control of things is always hard, but why do people have to be so mean when they think you are the threat? Or just the least powerful component of the threatening organization. Isn't a church supposed to be the place of a non-dysfunctional family. why does it sometimes seem to be the opposite. It is the place where people feel safe exposing all of their nastiness. Safe yes - nasty no! hat is not how or who we are called to be with one another.
I stay sane by volunteering for pieces that excite and interest me. I am blessed by many along my journey. I felt wrapped in warmth and support on Sunday. I think of my evaluation team and feel a Holy presence through them and their support.
I am also blessed by the time I am allowed with the precious children and teens of the presbytery. These are such good things that I am focusing on them and remembering the outcome of my lambasting - I actually got up enough nerve to force the perp to have a conversation with me instead of hiding behind his computer. He was actually nice in person. No, I didn't get an apology, but I think I did get as close as he is ever going to come to that with me.
Peace of Easter be with you!