Are You Going to Answer That?
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Here we are in a society that is more connected than ever before. Already this morning, I have read news from around the world, polished off my work communications from various team updates in e-mail, confirmed a doctor appointment and checked out the latest social news from friends on Facebook. It is only 9:30, but I have sent and received texts as well as making a couple of calls. We reach out with the touch of a button or even with a verbal prompt through blue tooth while driving. Yet, ask anyone how they hear God's call in their life - very few of us seem to be blessed with a sense of clarity in this.
The words of Jeremiah are familiar but frightening if we really ponder them closely. "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." God had something in mind for Jeremiah. Does God have something in mind for us? Even if it isn't this same grandiose message from a voice to pluck up and pull down, to destroy and to build, how do we listen to God? How do we know that we are following the direction in our lives that we are called to follow? How do we even know that there is an intended direction?
For each how we hear the call upon our lives is different. We may study, we may pray, we may exercise, we may enjoy nature, we may work with others. Often for me, God's call comes through the words of others no matter their intent. God speaks to us throughout our lives in many ways. Look with new eyes - let love guide our direction with confidence. Answer the call.
Here we are in a society that is more connected than ever before. Already this morning, I have read news from around the world, polished off my work communications from various team updates in e-mail, confirmed a doctor appointment and checked out the latest social news from friends on Facebook. It is only 9:30, but I have sent and received texts as well as making a couple of calls. We reach out with the touch of a button or even with a verbal prompt through blue tooth while driving. Yet, ask anyone how they hear God's call in their life - very few of us seem to be blessed with a sense of clarity in this.

Let's just start right now with - I don't have the answers to these questions, but they are worth pondering! I think that a good hint from minds greater than mine is the positioning of scripture with other texts in the recommended lectionary that so many of our churches use. It is helpful to me to see this story of Jeremiah's call partnered with I Corinthians texts about how of all the gifts, the greatest is love. No matter what gifts we have, if they are not partnered with love, they are worthless.
So, am I followng a call? Am I listening to God in my daily life? Is God involved? I believe that we are all called to use our gifts, and the how is the hint of love overriding. How do we listen? I sometimes think that it must have been easier back in the day when God spoke from a burning bush or when obvious voices helped out by telling prophets what to do. But,then I look at Jesus with the disciples in Mark. He spoke to them in parables. Stories so that they had to listen and use their brains to know what was beng said to them. And, even they didn't always get it!
So, we need to be listening. Pay Attention NOW! God knows each of us intimately but does not take away the free will to live our lives as we want - mistakes, triumphs, bigotry, love, service, egocentricity, fear, confidence, all of it. To me this is comforting and frightening. I can't hide from God, yet the comfort is that I don't have to. Take praying in front of people - We get nervous when asked to do this depending upon who we are in front of. Yet - we have the words. God hasn't literally touched our mouths like Jeremiah, but the Holy Spirit is woven around and through us in such a way that the words don't matter - the intent does. My most clumsy of words are sometimes the most moving and powerful because they are genuine.
But, you might say - you haven't said how we will know or even if God has a direction for us. I believe that God has an overall plan for us - but I do not believe that that plan is specific like we picture a step-by-step project plan. God doesn't dictate our every step or task but has an overriding goal. A goal for us to be in relationship with each other and with God. The plan is the furtherance of that relationship. The Holy Spirit is the thread by which we are woven together in a complex mystery of life, using our gifts to support one another and bring comfort and joy to all in their daily lives.