Change Agent
Romans 12:1-8
Why was Paul writing to the
Romans? The Pauline letters make up a large portion of the New Testament. They
are letters that Paul wrote to the various communities he had visited offering
advice, correction and greetings to the churches he had formed in those
locations. This letter to the Romans is thought to have been written from
Corinth when he thought he was going to visit Rome and use it as a new base for
expanding his ministry into Spain.
Paul was offering advice
regarding how a Christian should live. To Paul, a new time had come after Jesus’
resurrection. In this messianic time, The Kingdom of God was begun among us,
being worked out by us and was to come. That this had started therefore called
upon us to respond by leading changed lives. The old righteousness and wisdom should
be completely thrown out – replaced with that of God, the wisdom and
righteousness that are given to us not earned. The old ways are the ones where
we trust what we have been taught and how we know things are supposed to work.
With our own sweat and effort, we can make the changes needed, we can solve the
problems. We are to replace that thinking, replace what we think we know with
the ways of Christ. True change and wisdom is only found through God not our
own efforts at independence and self sufficiency.
We are to be a living sacrifice
– instead of dedicating all our efforts for self gain, we to serve and put our
efforts toward God. The letter continues that this is our spiritual worship. We
are to be transformed so we can discern what is God’s will – what is good,
acceptable and perfect. Whoa, a living sacrifice, transformed with a renewed
mind and now figuring out what is perfect. Paul has some steep expectations.
Where do we even start with how
to follow the guidance of this letter? A huge challenge, but I think as
Presbyterians, some of the words here are very comforting. We are not to leave
our minds at the door but to renew our minds, discern – or think about what God
wants. In the next sentence of this scripture, some form of the word think is
used four times with nuances that are tricky to carry from Greek to English.
Suffice it to say that Paul is not going to spoon feed us what we should
specifically do but expects us to know how to work together as the body of
Chris for a transformed community.
How do we begin to do this in
society today? I think that there are special gifts in the art of
transformation. It often seems easier for them to influence other to action and
change. So often these are politicians, movie stars and musicians. But not
Does anybody know who Chris
Kennedy is? He is a professional golfer in Sarasota Florida. Ring any bells?
His wife’s cousin has Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis or ALS – he accepted the first ice bucket challenge from his
golf swing coach and created a video to encourage his relative. This was around
July 27 - by Aug 22 the challenge had raised more than $53.3 million! (Editorial note - by Sept 8 had raised over $100 million and climbing) This
wasn’t the first challenge relating to cold water – polar bear challenges have
been issued for years. What is it about this person’s actions that were
different? Chris’ wife’s youtube video meant to encourage a sick relative went
crazy – beyond their wildest imaginings. The Muscular Dystrophy Association has
its annual fundraiser coming up labor day – last year they raised about 61
million yet they have seen almost that same amount for ALS with ice buckets.
How did this come about? Is it all social media? I think that a big part of
it is intention. Chris Kennedy didn’t call it the Kennedy Challenge, nor did he
have expectations of his own popularity or gain. What does it mean in modern
vernacular for something to go ‘viral’? It means that like a virus, the
particular news, story or trend can’t seem to be stopped. Wherever people are
connected, it is being passed along. That is what transformation is all about.
People use their brains to do something in service of others. Then, through our
interconnectedness. Through that unique web of relationships, the
transformation becomes possible.
It is no coincidence that Paul continues in the following verses about the
importance of the gifts – each person having something to contribute to the
whole with none standing any higher or lower in a scale of importance.
By ourselves, we are nothing – we are what we are in relation to Christ and we
are defined by that relationship and the relationship we have to the body of
Christ – to one another.
So here we sit in relationship
together and we might conclude that worship is adequate with the liturgy,
preaching and music we do together in this room. While that is not wrong, Paul
meant so much more. Worship is what happens in community as we live out faith
by serving one another outside these walls. It is what we do with the rest of
our week. It is all about community as we live out our faith by serving one another
to build up the body of Christ. Our worship is not measured by what happens on
only Sunday mornings.
It is things like we did
yesterday – coming together with our neighbors. Pooling the resources around
us, calling upon friends, raising awareness. Improving the lives of the
children and families next door – with a vaccination or with just a smile. The
Health Fair is definitely one way St. Barnabas worships together.
The challenge is to not just
stop there and develop an apathy for what we think we can’t change. When we
start to get overwhelmed – and all you have to do these days is pick up a
newspaper or watch an update – the solution isn’t to allow ourselves to become
numbed. The solution is not to think our voices aren’t important or large
enough. I’m only human – what can I do. That is a poor excuse. We are humans
created in God’s image and gifted in amazing ways to work together for
transformation of the world around us to grow ever into God’s Kingdom exhibited
here on earth in our midst.
I am always amazed what happens
in churches when push comes to shove. Somehow the impossible often seems to
shrink and become manageable. The trick to being a change management expert is
to find your strengths – your gifts. Offer them to the whole. You will be amazed
at the results. After all – who would have thought that a game of pouring a
bucket of ice over your head would result in millions of dollars raised to
battle a devastating disease.
In researching texts for a study
with young adults, I ran across a book that encourages us to each embrace our
quirks, own our weirdness. In the interconnectedness with the world, part of us
being open and able to be transformed is that the very things we might belittle
or not value are gifts from God and may turn out to be the talent that is
needed for the next important change. Being a living sacrifice and transforming
our minds means we become the change agents for the world. Each agent tied
together in a complex web – through our relations in this group or through our
connections at home, or even through the internet. The ALS challenge has gone
viral, part of the catch is much like the chain letters of old. Once taken, the
person who is facing the challenge doesn’t do so alone but brings in two or
three others to join the effort – I challenge you – oh don’t worry, I am not
bringing out the ice in the sanctuary, but I am calling us to remember the
welcoming waters of our baptisms and to whom we belong. I challenge you to
accept with me Paul’s call for us to be transformed and explore where our gifts
meet the world’s need today to bring God’s justice to all. Amen.