My Heart Aches for the Children

 My phone blurts at me at an ungodly hour – I am annoyed. I roll over to make sure my loved ones are okay then fall back to sleep. Today, upon waking the emotions pour in – that I could have the comfort and privilege of assumed safety while others do not rocks me with feelings of guilt and great sadness. That I can be annoyed by my mostly-grown children and worried only about the simple steps in learning to adult is a gift that I appreciate today.


My heart aches for the children. God’s beautiful children are assured God is with us, but what does that look like from a basement turned fallout shelter surrounded by death and wailing? In the valleys that we dig in our worldly power games and the hate we sow between nations, it is too often the children dumped in the middle without voice or recourse.


An inordinate number of the refugees around the world are the children. Those caught in the crossfire of our battles are the children. Children on the cusp of adulthood are among the first called to be the fodder of war. Last week the lectionary scripture was all about Jesus instructing us to love our enemy.


An enemy by definition is someone you hate – someone who disregards the children, someone who attacks in the night, someone who gaslights the narrative to justify atrocities. Last Sunday, I was able to preach about how this does not justify remaining in an abusive relationship. The scripture about turning the other cheek to one who strikes us or giving our shirt also to one who steals our coat give us examples of how to re-write the narrative of how we respond without resorting to violence. Rather than calling us to remain in those dire situations, they call us all to more loving relationships.


Yet, how do we reconcile with an enemy that seems not to care for the innocents are caught in the crossfire of our power wars? How do I love that enemy? Will a less violent response of world sanctions be scoffed at and harm more innocent children rather than rebuilding relationships of compromise and care? Will the protesters in Russia continue to be silenced raking away more children for daring to voice their love? Will they be punished for daring out loud not to hate? For speaking against war?


My heart aches for the children and my lack of ability to help, protect and succor – so I turn to my own children and hope messages of love to one child at a time may change the world.


To my children,

I wish I knew what to say – how to hand you a better world. My prayers feel puny without the actions of people and a world aiming toward reconciliation. As we are torn apart nationally and by international looming war, remember the hope. One act of love at a time feels so inadequate and out of control. We must trust that God is in control and, when we only see chaos, remember that love will prevail. It seems cheap to the mother and father weeping at tragic loss, but we see now only in part. God hears our ‘Why?’ God cries with them, with us. May the Holy Spirit speed the time when God’s Kingdom comes more fully on earth – a time not of our powers but of God’s love, connectedness and home for all. God, help us live in this mystery and alleviate our sisters’ and brothers’ pain with the balm of Your love. As I seek to protect and shelter you from all life’s dangers and grief I am reminded to have that strong of a compassion and hope – even for my enemies.  Love, Mom


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